Observation details for MP ( 4946 ) Askalaphus By Star UCAC4 282-096184 On 2017-08-18 at 12:12:10.0 _______________________________ Observer B. Loader Location Darfield Longitude +172:06 Latitude -43:28 Altitude 210 m Datum WGS84 Telescope SCT including Cass and Mak Aperture 25 cm Seeing Slight flickering Clear Camera Type Watec 910BD AAV-PAL Camera Delay Timing GPS - time inserted Video with frame analysis Disappearance 12:10:00.52 Reappearance 12:10:12.42 Comments: GAIA prediction: combined mag 11.7, expected d mag 6.0. Event T max 21.9 sec, Pred time error 71s, Prob of event 11% There were clear graze type events during the second part of the occultation with two going above the 25% level. Tangra was unable to follow the event. Further notes in email.