Observation details for MP ( 1639 ) Bower By Star UCAC4 282-175319 On 2016-05-04 at 11:30:32.0 _______________________________ Observer Jonathan Bradshaw Location Samford Valley, Qld, Australia Longitude +152:50 Latitude -27:22 Altitude 80 m Datum WGS84 Telescope SCT including Cass and Mak Aperture 36 cm Seeing Strong flickering Clear Camera Type Watec 910BD NTSC/EIA Camera Delay Timing GPS - time inserted Video with frame analysis Disappearance 11:30:44.24 Reappearance 11:30:50.90 Comments: Dreadful seeing but exceptional clarity. Lovely, clear event. PS - Please make the text white on the darker shaded cells - I can't see black on black, even with dark adaption :)