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OCCULTATION OF TYC 5539-00081-2 BY 179 Klytaemnestra
2008 June 29

A 4.44 second occultation was recorded by Hristo Pavlov, using video technique.

View the updated prediction.

  1    H Pavlov,Marsfield, NSW,AU           
  2(M) S Russell,near Bargo, NSW            
  3(P) Prediction 19 June                   

Klytaemnestra occultation - 2008 June 29


The circle above is plotted at the expected 77 km diameter of Klytaemnestra. With the one chord and the contraint of a sure miss by Stephen it is possible to be reasonably sure that the central path was north of both observers.

The figure below shows the Limovie lightcurve of Hristo's observation of the occultation .

Klytaemnestra occultation - 2008 June 29

Hristo notes that:"The predicted magnitude drop was 3.3m however the observed drop was a lot less. This is due to a close double star with both components of almost the same brightness"

Klytaemnestra star field - 2008 June 29

Additional Light curves on his site. .

Observational Data:

Observation details for MP (179) Klytaemnestra
By Star              TYC 5539-00081-2 
On 2008-06-29  at 13:34:01.0

Observer   Hristo Pavlov
Location   Marsfield
Longitude  +151:06:11.8
Latitude   -33:46:13.6
Altitude   109 m
Datum      WGS84
Telescope SCT including Cass and Mak
Aperture   20 cm
Seeing     Slight flickering Clear
Timing     GPS - time inserted Video with frame analysis
Disappearance  13:33:55.72
Reappearance   13:34:00.16
Comments: The predicted magnitude drop was 3.3m however the observed drop was a lot less.  This is due to a close double star with both components of almost the same brightness. Light curves online:


Observer   Stephen Russell
Location   near Bargo, NSW
Longitude  +150:34:2.9
Latitude   -34:16:15.9
Altitude   336 m
Datum      WGS84
Telescope other - specify below
Aperture   20 cm
Seeing     Strong flickering Clear
Timing     GPS - time inserted Video with frame analysis


Comments: Altitude datum = MSL. WGS84 adjustment 18m, telescope is Schmidt-Newt Low altitude target viewed through bad seeing.

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