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2007 MAY 29

This page updated with new observations. Four observers, Steve Kerr, Diana Watson, John Drummond and John Burt recorded misses for this event. The two Johns were at same location so only 3 paths shown below.

View the updated prediction.

  1 S Kerr, Greenlee, QLD, Australia
  2 D Watson, Whakatane, NZ
  3 J Burt and J Drummond, Gisborne, NZ
  4 Pedicted 

Arequipa occultation - 2007 May 29


The circle above is plotted at the expected 44km diameter of Arequipa. With no chords it is not possible to say where the central path was, but if we assume the predicted path was accurate then it appears that Diana, John and John were close to the path.

Observational Data:

Observer's Name                  : Stephen Kerr
Aperture (cm)                    : 25
Focal length (cm)                : 150
Type (e.g. SCT; Newtonian)       : Newtonian
Magnification                    : Video camera at prime focus
Observing site name              : Glenlee
Longitude (DD MM SS ; East +ve)  : +150 30' 01.4"
Latitude (DD MM SS ; South -ve)  : -23 16' 10.1"
Height above Sealevel (metres)   : 50
Geodetic Datum (e.g.WGS84,NZ1949): WGS 1984
Height Datum (if known)          : AHD

Sky Transparency (Delete two)    : Good
Star Image Stability (Delete two): Good
Other Conditions:  
     (Wind, Clouds, Lights, etc.): Bright moonlight

Time Source (e.g. WWVH, GPS)     : GPS - KIWI OSD
Recording method (e.g. tape)     : Video - GSTAR EX camera operating at 4X integration (effective exposure time of 80ms)
Could you see the Asteroid?      : Yes - before it merged with the star.
Approx. Limiting Magnitude       : 12.5
                                          | Estimated  |
                           Universal Time | Reaction   | Accuracy, Remarks
                              h  m  s     | Time (sec) | 
Started Observing          : 10:55:00.0
Star and Object Merged     : 
Disappearance At           : 
Estimated Closest Approach : 
                (if no D/R)
Reappearance At            : 
Star and Object Separated  : 
Stopped Observing          : 11:05:00.0

Was your reaction time (also known as Personal Equation) subtracted from 
any of the above timings?  : Not Applicable
If YES, state value        : 
If you could tell, in which direction did the asteroid pass relative to 
the star (Delete three)    : Not observed


Observer's Name                  : Diana Watson
Aperture (cm)                    : 20
Focal length (cm)                : 200
Type (e.g. SCT; Newtonian)       : Celestron 8
Magnification                    : 115 times
Observing site name              : Whakatane
Longitude (DD MM SS ; East +ve)  : 176 51 50.7
Latitude (DD MM SS ; South -ve)  : -37 55 18.5
Height above Sealevel (metres)   : 2.8 metres
Geodetic Datum (e.g.WGS84,NZ1949): WGS84
Height Datum (if known)          : 

Sky Transparency (Delete two)    : Fair     
Star Image Stability (Delete two): Fair   
Other Conditions:  
     (Wind, Clouds, Lights, etc.): Ground mist and moon near by.

Time Source (e.g. WWVH, GPS)     : WWVH
Recording method (e.g. tape)     : tape recorder
Could you see the Asteroid?      : Yes
Approx. Limiting Magnitude       : 12.5
                                          | Estimated  |
                           Universal Time | Reaction   | Accuracy, Remarks
                              h  m  s     | Time (sec) | 
Started Observing          : 10:45:00.0
Star and Object Merged     : 10:48:00.0     By this time 
Disappearance At           : 
Estimated Closest Approach : 
                (if no D/R)
Reappearance At            :    
Star and Object Separated  : 11:04:00.0    By this minute  
Stopped Observing          : 11:04:00.0

Was your reaction time (also known as Personal Equation) subtracted from 
any of the above timings?  : 
If YES, state value        : 
If you could tell, in which direction did the asteroid pass relative to 
the star (Delete three)    : NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, or WEST

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Do not think that the star dimmed at all, even though 
I was having problems with the lens misting up and had to have a quick wipe
from time to time, not a problem that often happens, so it is possible that
I might have missed something. 


Observer's Name                  : John Burt and John Drummond
Aperture (cm)                    : 41cm
Focal length (cm)                : 184.5cm
Type (e.g. SCT; Newtonian)       : Newtonian
Magnification                    : 60x
Observing site name              : Possum Observatory, Patutahi
Longitude (DD MM SS ; East +ve)  : 177 54 00
Latitude (DD MM SS ; South -ve)  : -38 37 02
Height above Sealevel (metres)   : 1
Geodetic Datum (e.g.WGS84,NZ1949): 
Height Datum (if known)          : 

Sky Transparency (Delete two)    : Good  
Star Image Stability (Delete two): Good  
Other Conditions:  
     (Wind, Clouds, Lights, etc.): Good

Time Source (e.g. WWVH, GPS)     : WWVH
Recording method (e.g. tape)     : Digital Voice Recorder
Could you see the Asteroid?      : no
Approx. Limiting Magnitude       : 14
                                          | Estimated  |
                           Universal Time | Reaction   | Accuracy, Remarks
                              h  m  s     | Time (sec) | 
Started Observing          : 10:50:00
Star and Object Merged     : 
Disappearance At           : MISS
Estimated Closest Approach : 
                (if no D/R)
Reappearance At            : 
Star and Object Separated  : 
Stopped Observing          : 11:03:00 

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Miss - Both John Drummond and I were observing through separate 
scopes, and neither of us saw anything.

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