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Bright Grazes for New Zealand in 1999 [25K]

'S' at the end of a track indicates interference from the Sun
'A' indicates that the star is at low altitude

Date :
Universal Time (UT). UT is effectively equivalent to Greenwich Mean Time. In New Zealand, add 12 hours to UT to get NZ Standard Time, or add 13 hours to get NZ Daylight Time.
Star :
ZC indicates the star number in Robertson's Zodiacal Catalog.
S indicates the star number in the SAO Catalog.
Mag :
Star Magnitude.
Time :
Approximate hour and minute of graze (Universal Time) for a longitude about the middle of the map. For sites to the west times may be a minute or so earlier whilst to the east they may be a little later. Events may occur for a minute or two either side of the predicted time.
%Snlt :
Percent sunlit of the moon. "+" is waxing (before Full Moon) and "-" waning. Before Full Moon the star will appear to approach the moon from its dark side. After Full Moon the star appears to approach across the lighted lunar limb.
CA & Limit :
The Limit indicates whether the star grazes the Northern or Southern edge of the Moon. The associated figure shows the number of degrees round the circumference of the Moon from the bright cusp at which mid graze occurs. The centres of all grazes given above are on the unlit portion of the limb.
Notes :
If the grazing star is a double, quantities given are: the magnitudes of the components, the separation in seconds of arc, and the Position Angle of the secondary component from the primary.
Prediction for... :
An entry here indicates IOTA Predictions and a profile are available as a text file for this graze. Once downloaded and saved, you should view the file with a non-proportional font (e.g. Courier 10 point) to preserve the formatting.

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          Star         Time UT   %    CA & 
Date      (ZC)   Mag   hr min  Snlt  Limit  Notes  Prediction for...
----      ----   ---   -- ---  ----  -----  -----  -----------------
Mar 11  S161424  7.5   15 55    37-   10.2 S
Mar 14  S164149  7.5   16 39    11-    9.2 S       Whangarei
Apr 11  ZC 3173  5.2   17 53    24-    4.8 S (1)   Whakatane
Apr 12  ZC 3307  4.8   15 28    16-    9.5 S (2)   Opunake        Palmerston North
May  3  ZC 2441  6.6   15 45    92-   11.5 S
May  6  ZC 2854  7.2   14 15    70-   10.0 S       Christchurch
May  7  ZC 2987  4.8   17 15    60-    2.3 S (3)   Christchurch
May 11  ZC 3526  4.9   16 30    19-    4.8 S (4)   Invercargill   Gore
Jun  2  ZC 2798  6.1    9 24    91-   15.9 S (5)   Opunake        Palmerston North
Jun 10  ZC  362  6.5   19 30    13-    2.5 N       Invercargill   Dunedin     Gore
Jun 22  ZC 1897  7.1    6 10    65+    5.5 N       Christchurch
Jul  7  ZC  308  6.3   18 27    35-    7.6 N       Auckland
Aug  1  ZC 3526  4.9   12 21    82-    3.2 N (6)   Wellington     Palmerston North
Aug  4  ZC  393  6.7   13 59    51-    6.7 N (7)   Whangarei
Sep  2  ZC  658  4.3   17 53    52-    8.8 N (8)   Auckland
Oct  1  S078006  7.3   16 16    55-    9.4 N (9)   Christchurch   Timaru
Oct 29  ZC 1047  5.3   15 52    70-    7.5 N (10)  Auckland
Dec 18  ZC  249  4.5    8 47    75+    5.9 S       Wanganui

(Graze Data produced by David Herald's OCCULT).
NOTES - Double Star Information:
(1)  ZC 3173 Apr 11 : Mags 5.5 & 7.5, sep 0.0"
(2)  ZC 3307 Apr 12 : Mags 5.7 & 5.7, sep 0.05"
(3)  ZC 2987 May  7 : Mags 5.2 & 6.7, sep 1.12", PA 5°
(4)  ZC 3526 May 11 : Mags 5.1 & 10.4, sep 1.25", PA 305°
(5)  ZC 2798 Jun  2 : Mags 7.0 & 7.2, sep 0.13"
(6)  ZC 3526 Aug  1 : Mags 5.1 & 10.4, sep 1.25", PA 305°
(7)  ZC 0393 Aug  4 : Mags 7.6 & 7.6, sep 0.10", PA 90°
(8)  ZC 0658 Sep  2 : Mags 4.2 & 7.5, sep 1.62", PA 354°
(9)  S078006 Oct  1 : Mags 7.9 & 11.1, sep 3.2", PA 34°
(10) ZC 1047 Oct 29 : Mags 6.1 & 6.1, sep 0.1", PA 132°

This page was last updated on 15 March 1999.
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